monday's should always start off with something pretty....these pretty much fit the bill. *images courtesy of zinke design , la dolce vi...

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*images courtesy of happnstance , fiddlesticks and funny girls
these pics serve as a reminder that fall is right around the corner..... on another note, jazzercise was a success. i actually really enjo...
for a happy monday..... and that i don't fall on my face tonight at jazzercise b/c my neighbor is making me go (yep, i said it- jazzerci...
or rather take two!! good thing i have another year to perfect my skills....see i'm all smiles in the pic b/c i think i have mastered t...
i'm 31 and i want to cook. i mean, i can cook; warren and i enjoy doing it but i want to learn to really cook. according to julia, i ...
loving these white wash spaces.....they feel so clean and crisp. if only i didn't have sippy cups, crayons, and grape jelly to deal wit...
i'm off to put my feet in the sand... see y'all in a week :) *images courtesy of daisy pink cupcake , the swedish girl , bliss, dand...
you could say that my family all got bitten by the design bug.... my dad's day job is being a lawyer but his real passion is building......
is it august already....that is insanity!! someone at the pool yesterday asked me what taylor was going to be for halloween...seriously?! *...