for greener's some inspiration. *images courtesy of massie color, the design files , apartment therapy , house beautiful ,...

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for greener's some inspiration. *images courtesy of massie color, the design files , apartment therapy , house beautiful ,...
which means adios boss and hello weekend...however you plan to spend it, i hope it's a blast..see you next week! *images courtesy of d...
okay, i know i totally teased you with the quadrille fabrics yesterday but after talking with the showroom, i had to make an executive deci...
just a little eye candy of what you can expect from pink wallpaper tomorrow.... feature fabric hasn't been around in why not...
layering neutrals are a perfect way to create a charming space for anyone struggling w/ color...but one of the keys is to be sure to mix lig...
can quickly turn into a beautiful source of inspiration.... some people think they are locked to a paint deck when trying to decide on a col...
isn't it amazing what lighting can do to a can transform it, take it to the next level, or make a room just right... so ha...
pink . i know people either love or hate it...obviously, i love it. the soft palette used in the interiors above seem to be just the perfe...
toni over at design dazzle was so sweet and asked to feature taylor's nursery on her blog. if you want to see me preggers, tay bald, h...
we are off to the mountains this weekend...i am so excited because it has been so long since we have been there. they have the best antique...